every morning my dreams of
trains and
lighthouses are interrupted promptly at 7:14am. i'm fucking warm, cozy, up in the womb-style. an alarm, oh yeah and a dog whining from the floor. you'd think they'd mix with the train whistle, but they don't. i instantly realize what's going on: it's time to go to work.
i get angry when i can't find matching socks. i get angry when my car's electrical system won't feed to the starter until i rock the car back and forth shifting my weight in the driver's seat; this in turn resets the clock and my radio presets, and this makes me angry. i get angry at
shitheads who can't figure out how to merge on the expressway. i get angry at the asshole in the parking deck who can't seem to remember that Every Single Morning he's going to take down my name on his little sheet of people who don't have valid ID cards. every single goddamn morning...
what's your name again? anger.
i sit in my cubicle. people come in and ask where to find applications for employment; from where i sit i can see right over their shoulder a big orange rack that says "Applications for Employment." this, probably unfairly, makes me grind my teeth.
under the edge of the desk, just to the left of my slide-out ergonomically adjustable keyboard shelf, is a panic button. when
crazy shitheads come in and tell me about how they're on welfare and were attacked by four pitbulls yesterday and want my business card and can't remember basic principles of real-time chronology, i press the button to summon security.
i started as a temp at this job, and my main task was to log applications into a database. this took me two weeks, but they seem to like me enough to keep me on and not really say when the assignment will terminate. they think i'm courteous and laid back. they told me i project a nice image to the incoming customers. i suppose its pretty easy to be laid back when all you do is read the news and play chess online all day. i even have a hanging glass filter over the monitor that blurs out the screen from any angle of sight other than straight ahead. they make it too goddamn easy.
nice and serene, nice and bleak. i used to listen to
air-america online, but had to switch to a comedy stream that plays nice palatable shit like eddie murphy and pryor because screaming liberals are actually starting to make my head hurt. and when i really ponder it, i realize i'm losing my edge with every passing day spent in this purgatory. the coffee won't get any better, the workload won't get any less mundane, and i need more exercise. son of a bitch.
so here are some neat things.
Pictures of ghost towns. Not as creepy as it first sounds, but interesting nonetheless. Plus I've been to the one called Rhyolite. I still have a rusty nail I yanked off the big cement building in a box in my closet somewhere.
This shit never gets old.This is a very nice internet radio site. I personally recommend the "Delicious Lo-Fi Lounge" channel, under Electronic--->Ambient. I'd listen to it at work but the
IT assholes apparently won't allow it.
Whew. i feel better.