1.5 feet from your face and 3x10^-6 seconds in the past. light is pretty funny.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Enlightenment through Google.

I've been reading a lot of articles today on the death of famed architect Philip Johnson, and the phrase that not one article fails to mention is that big fat lazy-assed term "post-modern". I'm sick and tired of hearing people bandy it around without explanation or reference, and was wondering if a simple Google search for "so post-modern" could illuminate the meaning of a term so many people love to casually drop. Let's take a trip through the more erudite reaches of teh intarnet...

  • "And your friend said “that’s so post modern” and the tour guide said at the same time 'designed by Michael Graves.'"

  • "It's so post-modern to say post-modern."

  • "The post-modern paradox: This statement is not so post-modern."

  • "Or maybe we have grown so post-modern like the French that a simple "that was the last straw, not we will make you pay" is too simplistic for our pseudo-sophisticated ruling elite and intelligentsia." [wtf? -ed]

  • "And, darling, exposing your html like that is just so post-modern."

  • "I'm so post-modern it hurts."

  • "But why do I do it when I realize it’s so wrong? (you’re so post-modern)"

  • "But the display is so post modern for its subversive duality; angry and yet yearning for some sense of harmony, corrupting and still pure in its own right."

  • "The film is so post-modern in the fact that the film is like a story within a story."

  • "When we tend to think too highly of our most "modern" readings (be they ever so post-modern), it might be useful to recognize that learning exegesis is nothing."

  • "We are so Post Modern that we don't realize how Post Modern we are anymore."

  • "I mean, that whole beginning, middle and ending narrative thing is like, so Modern, but I'm like, so post-modern, and all I need, baby is like, some coffee."

  • "The Radical Chic are so post-modern, the annals of inevitable Marxist history so awaiting a maestro's contribution to the final victory of the people, well, all of mankind, or what's left of it after the Revolution, will be on their knees at the United Nations thanking these gods of music and philosophy and science and post-Marx history." [again, wtf. -ed]

  • "It’s so post-modern!"

  • "Throwing caution to the wind, I thought I’d get so post-modern on your ass that I might possibly melt into a babbling puddle of self-referentiality."

  • "Handsome Boy Modeling School is so post-modern ironic it's possibly already retro kitsch."

  • "And, of course, ever-so post-modern pastiches that have their tongues shoved so far in their cheek that they sometimes ends up licking their own ass."

well shit! who knew?!