1.5 feet from your face and 3x10^-6 seconds in the past. light is pretty funny.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Nat's Occasional Link Dump

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Again, whatever. Here's some links.

  • I'm a sucker for the cultural inventory thing, here's a guy who's collected and scanned various airlines' [empty] sick bags. From a design standpoint it's actually quite cool.

  • In retrospect I'm surprised I haven't posted this earlier. Whenever I feel down and hopeless and desperate and generally afraid, this cheers me up without fail. Once inside, click the "g" and then the pink dot. When she cries it's creepy. Requires sound.

  • Some random good Flash.

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  • "Look across the Andes, into the Grand Canyon, over the Alps, or along the African Sahara." NASA is just plain awesome. Requires download.

  • This isn't quite as brutal as the office micro-Claymore, but still effective. Especially the "slow clap."

  • When I was six or seven I saw my first a-bomb footage, and it scared me more than tornadoes, which was a shitload of terror. From then on I would have nightmares about standing in my backyard looking about the trees towards the city, a huge orange mushroom cloud looming above me. Not every night, mind you, but this site still makes me shiver. This too.

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  • And this site is pretty sinister as well, not in a silly conspiracy-theory sort of way, but a no-really-i-looked-this-up-elsewhere-and-it's-true sort of way. The first two and "Mighty Oaks" are downright scary. Thanks Bush!! Kidding. Kinda.

  • But of course, here's some fool claiming that there are alien "utensils" on the surface of Mars. Apparently he also thinks that outlining blurry photographs of rocks with a black pen in MS Paint will make this claim more convincing. See below.
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    oh, i see it now.
  • Finally, no one likes a camwhore. Certainly not these guys. Really, I have no idea who they are.

That's all for now. But remember kids,
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