1.5 feet from your face and 3x10^-6 seconds in the past. light is pretty funny.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Up the River... again

I spent this past weekend drunk in a tent full of moisture and spiders. Yes, the annual Up the River Party was a bona fide hootenanny this year, despite a whole bunch of bitches who didn't turn out for the festivities. We drank your share, don't worry.

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/hi-ho, Thunderbolt! bitch kicks. bitch kicks hard.

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/paintlick mountain obscured by the fog.

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/Jose, contemplative.

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/clarence carter's "strokin'" was blaring as this photograph was taken. seriously.

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/the long road back sunday morning, enlivened by haybale acrobatics.

Fucking spiders, though, man. I tell you what.