The past month has been, in a word, super.

/[insert philip glass score here]
Immediately prior to Thanksgiving I embarked upon a tour of graduate schools in the Northeast. I learned a great many things on this trip, chiefly that modernist architecture of the 60s was a sham and that schools with boucoup endowment should think twice before running with the style of the times. I imagine the Cold War was the main impetus for throwing money at International Policy programs; perhaps that in itself explains the tragic lack of imagination manifested in the design of the facilities.

/wtf, Wilson?

/wtf, SIPA?

/wtf, Kennedy?

/wtf, Fletcher?!
Shitty architecture notwithstanding, I learned a lot about potential futures. Moreover it was sublimely relaxing to spend 10 hours listening to music while riding Amtrak, and more importantly, I was able to spend time with sundry Grade-A people, some new, some old, some of whom I hadn't seen in a long, long, long time.
I also got to experience the magic that is Hoboken, NJ.

/"oh a song by the fire, pass the pipe, pass the bowl"

/and feel the wheels a'rumblin 'neath the floor

/I saw the lights fading out

/leavin' Boston, however, a real pain in the ass
Then came Thanksgiving. Warmly predictable, tranquil, refreshing.

/extra gravy
I painted a fence green and was taught the rules of the "Anal Car" game, which is nothing more than the word "Anal" followed by any model of car, thus: Anal explorer, anal odyssey, anal escape, anal fiesta, anal ram, etc. Juvenile, sure, but undeniably fun on long car trips. John you anal voyager.

A bitchin' Christmas party, another week, and by the grace of God another surprise jaunt, this time via fucking Learjet, back to New York, where I was called "Santa", ate some delicious sausage, and saw Lou Dobbs in person, all within a two-hour span. Fog in Richmond led to an unplanned overnight layover in New Jersey, and now here I am.

/dad, pensive
That's it and that's all. I feel beat.

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