1.5 feet from your face and 3x10^-6 seconds in the past. light is pretty funny.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Well I'll be godamned: another link dump.

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Time for the SuperFun links!!!!! No more boring "slow-joe" humdrum, it will excite me fresh!!!!!!!!

  • Cats looking at cats looking at cats looking at cats... doesn't seem very edifying at first, but click through about 100 of the little fuckers and it'll all make sense. And then someone who walks up to your desk will be all like "what are you giggling at, let me see" and you'll be all like "uhhh, nothing... really, nothing".

  • NASA continues to be awesome.

  • I might like to think I can stencil, but I have nothing on the guy who did his name 10 feet tall on the ThamesLink viaduct. He also tags cattle.

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  • I'm a big fan of the Google Image Search, and this brings me great joy. Type in some words, it makes a photo montage. Try "goatse" and "prom". No actually, don't.

  • When I was elementary school the DARE officer told us that if you
    played any heavy metal backwards, you'd hear Satanic messages. Apparently he wasn't kidding. What he failed to mention was that they also showed up in Japanese childrens' cartoon jingles as well. Creepy, and requires audio.

  • Hitler disco. wtf, yes. but lol too. Requires audio.

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  • Time for more GoAt-sHiT CrAZiNeSS!!! "THEY manipulate your nightly dreams, through symbols, archetypes, toons or comics, controlling and hypnotizing your behavior in these dreams. YOU KNOW IT."

  • Animals on the Underground. What else can I say, this is wonderful.

  • And........ wtf.

Have a good one, nucca.