1.5 feet from your face and 3x10^-6 seconds in the past. light is pretty funny.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Photo Confetti pt. II

My friend recently returned from a trip to Colorado and brought me back some old photographs he found at a junk shop in the mountains somewhere. Here's some.

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This guy doesn't fuck around: You order a beer, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Written on the back:
"Dear Mr Mead- Walt Hall's Bar, Rapid City, So Dakota. -J. Silverman"
After a little research I discovered that this man's descendants donated money to erect a statue of James Monroe in Rapid City's downtown Presidential Walk sometime in the 1990s. That's SO Dakota. But really, how about that.

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"Dick taken at Gettysburg." Film at 11.

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At first glance this seems like a staid portrait of a typical midwestern home in the early part of this century. But wait-- There, next to the bush!!!
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/not that there's anything wrong with that

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I happen to adore this photograph. A classic representation of boyhood innocence, pastoral simplicity, even overtures of the American Dream itself.

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ha ha weirdo.

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Look closer.

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This photo disturbs me. It's something intangible; the moment I looked at it I just got a bad feeling. At first it looks like a normal sunset w/ sailboat scene, but something's not right.
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I've seen quite a few sunsets over water in my time, and never has it appeared stained. Also the light in the sky doesn't correspond to the object-as-sun, as the source of light is obviously beyond the upper limit of the frame. The only other thing I can think of is the first millisecond of a nuclear blast, but this is hardly likely. It's almost as if the negative emulsion itself was intentionally scratched off here. Moreover, that isn't a sailboat in the distance.
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It's a lighthouse, and you know that makes it a bit creepier. I can't say why.

Thanks for the nightmares, Pete.