1.5 feet from your face and 3x10^-6 seconds in the past. light is pretty funny.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

You Go Girl

Yesterday I saw Barack Obama speak at the National Press Club in D.C.

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This man is a badass. We've all heard of the black senator from Illinois with the funny name, but I'm confident this man will be short-listed to run for president in 08. His speech yesterday was an eloquent rejoinder to Bush's social security privatization scheme, and thanks to an authoritative "SENATOR!" from Peter during the crowd rush after the event we got to shake the good senator's hand. Later, as we were lingering in the lobby of the building, he even waved goodbye to us.

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Unfortunately it looks like he's giving us the finger, but trust me: we're insiders now.

Tomorrow I will leave for Gambier, Ohio to visit my beloved alma mater and pick up a future roomate.
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I've also recently been offered a job in the Africa region of the World Bank, yet have no details whatsoever on the start date or pay.

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